Når du handler hos Geføhl støtter du små og dygtige designere og producenter som håndlaver deres designs lokalt. Du gør en stor forskel for os og for klimaet. Samtidig kan du glæde dig ved at få et unikt design som ikke alle har. Tak fordi du får geføhl i dit hjem ♥
Tryghed når du handler på Geføhl Webshop.
Terms and Conditions for geføhl
Ryesgade 108
2100 København
Phone: +4531840250
VAT: 41778458
geføhl sells a subscription service on the site, www.gefoehl.com. The terms and conditions are effective between the individual user and geføhl.
These terms and conditions for usage are effective for agreements between geføhl and a physical person (from here on after “The User”) regarding this service. Only individuals who are above the age of 18 and reside in Denmark, are able to enter into agreements with geføhl regarding this service.
These Terms and Conditions constitute a collective agreement, which is valid between The User and geføhl.
To access the Service, The User is required to read and accept the Terms and Conditions.
Delivery and Shipment
The delivery time for your order is 1-3 days in Denmark.
As all our products are handmade, we do our best but reserve us the right to contact you in case of diverging delivery times for bigger orders.
All delivery to Germany, Sweden, Norway and the rest of EU has an estimated delivery time of 3-5 days. If the package is damaged during shipping, please contract us. We always strive to compensate the costs, returns and the product to a reasonable extent.
Shipping costs start at 39.-kr, but can variate because of package size. There is free shipping for a purchase above 499.- in Denmark, 899,- in the rest of EU.
For shipping outside the EU, please contact us mail@gefoehl.com.
There is free bike delivery for orders above 299.-kr.in Copenhagen V, N and Centrum if you contact us directly mail@gefoehl.com.
geføhl accepts online payments with the following credit cards Visa/Dankort.
Payment will only be deducted from your account when the physical item is shipped or the virtual product is created unless otherwise agreed or stated on your order.
All prices on the website include VAT.
The website uses the following currencies for pricing:
Denmark – Kroner (DKK)
If you regret your purchase (Withdrawal)
geføhl offers a 30 days full refund on goods purchased on the website unless otherwise agreed or stated in your order. The 30 day period starts on the day the order is delivered.
You are only liable for any deterioration in the value of the product due to handling other than what is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functioning of the product. In other words – you can try the item in the same way as if you tried it in a physical store.
Any return costs you incur yourself.
The request for cancellation must be notified to us no later than 14 after the delivery, and be with us no later than 30 days after we are informed of your use of the right of cancellation/withdrawal.
If you wish to make use of your right to withdraw the purchase, you must send us an e-mail mail@gefoehl.com . In your message, clearly make us aware, that you want to use your right of withdrawal. If the item is tried in addition to what is described above, we consider it used, which means that upon cancellation of the purchase you will only receive part or none of the purchase amount, depending on the trade value of the item. Therefore, in order to receive the full purchase amount, you must do the same as you can in a physical store. You may try the item, but do not put it into actual use.
geføhl uses a secure payment server that encrypts all information with SSL protocol, meaning your data is secure and cannot be read by other third parties.
Extend of Service
The User is granted access to the Service on geføhl’s website upon ordering a subscription.
Access the Service
The User is required to register a user account in order to access the service.
Registration and User Access
The User is responsible for ensuring, that the information provided is accurate at the time of registration. Upon registration, The User may only provide information regarding their own payment and credit cards.
When registering, The User is required to enter a user name and a password (hereafter “Login Information”). The Users Login Information is personal and may not be used by others unless otherwise stated on the product.
The User is required to keep the Login Information in a safe place so that others cannot gain unauthorized access to them. The User is responsible for all use of his or hers user account.
If The User suspects illegal use of The User Login Information, The User must immediately notify geføhl and also change the password of the account.
Fees and Payment methods
Fees for using the Service must be paid according to the existing price list, which is available on the website. The subscription is prepaid before every month.
The User is required to pay for the subscription through the means of payment methods offered by geføhl on the website. The User commits to sign the necessary documents and to have sufficient funds available for payment through the chosen payment method at each payment date.
Condition of the item you have returned
You are responsible for the condition of the product, and of the decreased value of the goods caused by handling it other than what is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and function of the goods.
This means, that you have to try the item in the same way as if you were shopping in a physical store.
If the item is tested/used in addition to what is described above, it is considered used and of decreased value. This means, that when the purchase is canceled, you will receive a minor portion or none of the purchase amount refunded. It is up to geføhl to evaluate the item’s condition.
There is a 2 year warranty on products according to the Danish Sales Law. The warranty applies to all errors in software, material and fabrication.
Complaints regarding errors and defects must be reported to geføhl in a reasonable time after the goods have been received. We consider af maximum of months as a reasonable time, unless otherwise agreed. We will refund reasonable shipping costs.
The complaint waives right to warranty if the items are handled improperly or unusually.
geføhl covers return costs to a reasonable extent.
When returning, please contact us at:
Phone: +4531840250
Warranty complaints will not be accepted if they are sent by cash-on-delivery system.
Adjustments and Changes
geføhl reserves the right to change the fees and other Terms of the Service. The change must be notified to The User no later than thirty (30) days before the change takes effect. In the event of such changes, The User is entitled to terminate the subscription with effect from the date on which the change takes effect. If The User does not terminate the subscription before the change takes effect, it must be considered acceptance of the change. Changes that are obviously beneficial to The User apply immediately without the right of cancellation of the User.
Termination of Subscription
Termination of the Service may be effected by the end of the payment period of one month from the latest payment. To terminate the agreement, use the link provided on the front page, or contact geføhl through info@saskiahuebner.de
Customer & Privacy Policy
We do not resell personal information and do not pass on your personal information to others. They are only registered in our customer directory. You can delete your information at any time.
In order for you to enter into an agreement with geføhl, we need the following information:
. Name
. Address
. Phone number
. Email address
We make the registration of your personal information for the purpose of delivering the goods to you.
The personal information is registered with geføhl, and stored for up to five years, after which the information is deleted.
When collecting personal information via our website, we ensure that it always happens by submitting your explicit consent, so that you are informed exactly what information is being collected and why.
The director and employees for geføhl have access to the information recorded about you.
The data manager in geføhl is: Saskia Huebner.
We do not store and transmit customer information encrypted.
As registered with geføhl, you always have the right to object to the registration. You also have the right to know what information is registered about you. You have these rights under the Personal Data Act and in connection with this, please contact info@saskiahuebner.de .
On www.gefoehl.com, cookies are used for the purpose of optimizing the website, and its functionality, making the visit as easy as possible for you.
You can delete cookies from your computer at any time, see the instructions on Webshop Cookies and Privacy Policy.
Log Statistics
We use log statistics at www.gefoehl.com,
which means, we have a statistics system, that gathers information, that can supply us with a statistical indication of, how many visitors the site has, where they are from, and on which landing page they leave the site and more.
The Log statistic is only used with the purpose to improve geføhl’s website.
Consumer Protection
Learn more about your consumer protection when paying online with PensoPay’s payment service solution:
Complaints about product can be sent directly to geføhl or to www.forbrug.dk.
For citizens of Europe who reside outside of Europe, complaints must be submitted through the EU Commisions Online Complaints Platform.
When complaining you need to denounce our email address, info@saskiahuebner.de, and the site, on which you made your purchase.
Levering ved forsendelse til pakkeshop og privatadresse.
Geføhl bruger GLS som leverandør af produkter købt i webshoppen. Leveringstiden i Danmark er som udgangspunkt 1-3 hverdage. Leveringstiden i Europa er normalt 2-5 hverdage. Leveringstiden er resten af verdenen er op til 20 dage.
Det er dit ansvar at holde sig opdateret om fragtfirmaets politik og hvordan og hvornår pakken skal afhentes eller modtages (ikke pakkeshop eller på hjemmeadresse). Du modtager en email og sms når pakken kan afhentes eller leveres (Track & Trace). Det er ikke Geføhls ansvar at holde modtageren orienteret om pakkens levering såfremt at email og/eller telefonnummer ikke er indtastet korrekt ved køb på vores webshop. Husk derfor altid at tjekke at dine oplysninger er korrekte når du handler.
Hvis du ikke har modtaget en sms eller mail fra fragtfirmaet senest 36 timer efter gennemført køb på vores webshop bedes du kontakte os.
Såfremt at du ikke afhenter pakken i pakkeshoppen eller er hjemme til at modtage pakken, sendes pakken tilbage til Geføhls adresse. Modtageren vil modtage en email fra Geføhl når pakken returneres. Modtager har mulighed for at få pakken gensendt. Prisen for gensendelse vil stå i mailen og afhænger af pakkens vægt og produktkategori.
Hvis du vælger at sende pakken til en anden adresse end din egen er det dit ansvar at indtaste alle informationer korrekt.